Hope Of The Future
Deleted Scenes

Alternate ending - Marcus becomes John Connor and kills everyone
T4 omitted scene

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Scene description
The second original ending had John Connor dying. The people closest to John decide to transfer John's skin to Marcus so he can continue leading the resistance, keeping the legend of John Connor alive. However, after Marcus got the scar, a soft red light would appear behind his eyes. He would stand up and take some guns and kill everybody in the room. Kate, Barnes, Kyle, Star, everybody. Then he would infiltrate the rest of the resistance and kill everybody. The famous scar would have been a result from transfering the skin and placing it on Marcus.

McG explains: "There was this leak that Connor dies and they put Connor's face on top of the machine body of [half-man, half-machine] Marcus [Sam Worthington]," McG said. "Everybody went, 'Booo! What's that?' That's half of it. We had a jet-black ending. Connor dies, we're in a room with all the people we care about. You take Connor's likeness, you put it on the living machine of Marcus. He sits up now looking like Christian Bale, takes a gun, kills Kate, kills Kyle, kills Star, kills everybody, eyes flare red, the end."

Reason cut



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