Hope Of The Future
Deleted scenes

T-1000 acquires a police car
T2 deleted scene

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Scene description
Firemen try to control the fire of the crashed truck, while the T-1000 blends in with the rest of the arrived cops. He walks to a car and gets in.

Reason cut
Van Ling (Creative Supervisor), in T2, the Book of the Film, An Illustrated Screenplay:
T-1000's acquistion of a new police car at the scene of the tow-truck crash was filmed but ultimately deemed unnecessary to the plot; we can assume that T-1000 still has its earlier police car. The question of why T-1000 maintains the same face and general wardrobe has both a narrative and dramatic answer: the cop outfit is the perfect disguise (who dares question or look suspiciously at a cop?) and has been taken on as its default camouflage; and, obviously, the audience has to be able to recognize the character through both looks and performance continuity.

This scene is re-inserted back into the special edition version of T2.


Terminator 2 script, revised final shooting script:
47L     ANGLE NEARBY, as several police cruisers and a fire truck pull up.
        T-1000 climbs out of the canal behind them.  More cops arrive.  T-1000
        blends in perfectly.  There are always cops at diasters and scenes of
        violence.  We now see why its choice of protective mimicry is so
        It walks among the other cops unnoticed.
        Gets into one of the squad cars.  Starts it and drives away.
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