Hope Of The Future
Deleted scenes

Extended killing first Sarah Connor
T1 omitted scene

Scene description
The killing of the first Sarah Connor was intended to be a longer scene, in which the Terminator walks to the first floor and kills the wrong Sarah Connor. Just read the script and you'll know what I mean.

Reason cut


Scripted, but not filmed.

The Terminator treatment, July, 1982:
The neighborhood is standing-issue L.A. suburban: stucco
houses set too close together, little plots jealously
guarded by stake fences.  Kids are racing Big Wheels in
the street in the background as a car glides up to the
curb.  Its front tire crushes a child's toy truck.

Terminator gets out, pausing by the mailbox to check the
name, and walks toward the adjacent house.

The doorbell is answered by a frail middle-aged woman in
an apron and cleaning gloves.

"Sarah Connor?" says the visitor.
"No, she's upstairs.  Who shall I say is..."
Ignoring her, Terminator pushes past the diminutive woman,
crossing the foyer to the stairs.  Her protests are cut
off in a gasp of alarm as he pulls the .45 from under his
jacket and snaps the cocking slide.

The old woman begins to screech in terror, darting back
and forth indecisively.  Finally she goes back to the
front door and calls for help.

Installed on her bed for an afternoon of 'soaps' is the
wrong Sarah Connor.  Electrode pads exercise her doughy
thighs as the 35 year old divorcee watches General

"What's wrong, Mom?" she calls out distractedly.
The door bangs open and she stares in dumb amazement as
the good-looking, intense-eyed man in the ill-fitting
clothes raises a pistol and aims it at her face.

It all seems less real than General Hospital in that
half-second before he fires.

Downstairs, her mother is fumbling with the telephone when
she hears the shots.  She shrieks with renewed terror as
the ceiling above her erupts with five exit holes in rapid
succession, followed by a dribble of blood.

In the bedroom, seen in a low angle shot, Terminator
stands with the .45 aimed down at the dead woman out of
frame below.  He unhurriedly drops the clip, reloads the
weapon and replaces it under his jacket.

The Terminator script, Fourth Draft, April 20, 1983:

        ANGLE on a standard-issue L.A. suburban street with kids
        racing Big Wheels B.G.

        LOW ANGLE with the FRAME comprising a single house, toy-
        littered lawn and mailbox.  EXTREME F.G., by the curb, is

        There is the sound of a CAR ENGINE approaching, and the
        front of the yellow Maverick appears, stopping at the curb.
        Its front tire  CRUSHES the toy.

        PANAGLIDE ON TERMINATOR, preceding him as he steps out of the
        car, pauses by the mailbox to check the name, and strides
        toward the house.

        A YOUNG BOY, playing in the driveway, watches him pass.  The
        boy's DOG, a small Terrier, growls low and mean, crouching
        back from Terminator.

        He rings the doorbell and waits, motionless.
        The door opens a few inches, held by a security chain,
        revealing a frail MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN in apron and rubber
        cleaning gloves.

                      Sarah Connor?

                      No, she's upstairs.  Who
                      shall I say is--

        Terminator breaks the chain and pushes past her as if she
        didn't exist.

                                               CUT TO:

33A     INT. HOUSE/FOYER                                       33A

        PANAGLIDE ON TERMINATOR, preceding his as he crosses the
        foyer and mounts the stairs.  The woman starts after him.

                      What do you think you're--
                      My God!

        She gasps and stops in her tracks as Terminator smoothly
        pulls the .45 from under his jacket and snaps the cocking

                      Oh my God...Sarah!

                                               CUT TO:

33B     INT. BEDROOM                                           33B

        Installed on her bed for an afternoon of 'soaps' is the
        WRONG SARAH CONNOR.  ELECTRODE PADS exercise her doughy
        thighs as the 35 year old divorcee watches "GENERAL HOSPITAL".
        She calls out distractedly:

                                WRONG SARAH CONNOR
                      What is it, Mom?

        She jumps as the door BANGS open.  And stares in dumb
        amazement as the good-looking, intense-eyed man in the
        strange clothes raises a pistol.

        And aims it at her face.

        It all seems less real than "GENERAL HOSPITAL" in that
        half-second before he FIRES.

                                               CUT TO:

33C     INT. FOYER                                             33C

        The mother is fumbling with a telephone when she hears
        the SHOT.  The silence stretches for several BEATS.  Then
        FIVE MORE SHOTS are heard.
        The woman screams and drops the phone as she stares upward.

        ANGLE ON CEILING above her.  With each successive shot a
        chuck of plaster explodes off the ceiling.

                                               CUT TO:

33D     INT. BEDROOM                                            33D

        LOW ANGLE ON TERMINATOR, standing with the .45 aimed
        down at the dead woman, just OUT OF FRAME on the floor.
        He unhurriedly removes the spent clip, reloads the weapon
        and replaces it under his jacket.

        Crouching down, he turns the woman's body over, confirming
        that she is dead.

                                               CUT TO:

33E     INT. FOYER                                             33E

        The mother is frantically dialing the phone.  She mis-
        dials, starts over.  Then stops as she hears the bedroom
        door open.

        Terminator stands at the head of the stairs.
        His hand is bloody where he grasped the dead woman's

        He starts down the stairs.
        The mother stands paralyzed, unable to breathe.
        He reaches the main floor and walks toward her.
        She edges into a corner, eyes wide.
        He reaches out.

        And wipes his hands clean on her apron.

        Terminator walks out, without expression, leaving the
        woman to sag to the floor in a faint.

                                               CUT TO:
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