Sarah splashes water
T1 deleted scene Scene description After Sarah has seen the news broadcast about the Sarah Connor murders, she goes to the bathroom to splash some water in her face. Reason cut - Comments - Status - Source The Terminator script, Fourth Draft, April 20, 1983 revision pages: 69 INT. RESTROOM 69 Sarah stumbles numbly to the sink. She splashes her face with cold water. In the mirror her terrified reflection looks back. Why me? She hears a loud clatter and spins around. It's just a drunken woman fumbling with a toilet stall door. Sarah edges back out into the corridor. CUT TO: The Terminator script, Fifth Draft, March 19, 1984: 69 INT. RESTROOM - NIGHT 69 Sarah stumbles numbly to the sink. She splashes her face with cold water. In the mirror her terrified reflection looks back. Why me? She hears a loud clatter and spins around. It's just a drunken woman fumbling with a toilet stall door. Sarah edges back out into the corridor. |
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