Hope Of The Future
Deleted scenes

Tickling Reese
T1 deleted scene

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Scene description
Sarah tickles Reese, after they have made love.

Reason cut
From the Special Edition DVD of The Terminator:
"This short, post-livemaking scene showed Sarah's sole glimpse of (as the script puts it) "a Reese that could have been, in another live," but, like the previous omitted scene, was removed from the film to maintain the tone of impending tenstion. Its replacement was the more subtle moment of Reese smiling briefly as Sarah playfully fake-tosses the bombs to him just before they hear the barking dog that signals the Terminator's arrival."

Director James Cameron's audio commentary from the region 1 Special Edition and the region 2 Ultimate Edition of The Terminator:
"I would classify that scene as a clumpsy atttempt on the part of the writer to show that Reese had been brought back into the human race. But it was too much, too quick. It played goofy in the context. And it was an early casualty in the editing process. And, no aspersion whatsoever on the part of the actors. I gave them permission to, you know, go for it, I think. But it was on the page. She tickles him, he laughs. Then they hear dog bark and had to go."

A scene with Sarah and Reese after they made love.

The footage of this scene can be found on the Special Edition DVD's and the Ultimate Edition DVD of The Terminator.
This sequence also appears in the scripts for the movie and in the novelization by Randall Frakes and Bill Wisher.

The Terminator script, Fourth Draft, April 20, 1983:

212     INT. MOTEL ROOM/LATER - NIGHT                          212

        TIGHT ON SARAH AND REESE in each other's arms.  Lying
        across his chest, she surveys his face as his eyes close

                      I bet you're ticklish.


        Sarah's hand moves OUT OF FRAME.  After a moment Reese
        looks down, puzzled.

                      What are you doing?

                      You'll beg for mercy in
                      a second.

        Reese seems unperturbed.  Finally he begins to squirm.

                      I don't think I like this.

                      You're not supposed to.

        Now Reese is becoming desperate.  A grimace spreads across
        his face.  It becomes a grin.  Then he's laughing, trying
        to escape but she won't let him, and they collapse, laughing
        Sarah gazes at his grin, a glimpse of the Reese that might
        have been, in another life.

        A moment later the grin vanishes at the sound of dogs barking
        Reese is off the bed in an instant, crouched tense, eyes
        alert.  Feral as ever.

                      Listen to the dogs.

The Terminator script, Fifth Draft, March 19, 1984 revision pages:


TIGHT ON SARAH AND REESE in each other's arms.  Lying across his chest, she surveys
his face as his eyes close drowsily.

She begins running her fingertips along the sides of his chest, under his arms.
Reese looks down, puzzled.

What are you doing?

It's called tickling. You'll beg for mercy in a second.

Reese seems unperturbed.  Finally he begins to squirm.

I don't think I like this.

You're not supposed to.

Now Reese is becoming desperate.  A grimace spreads across his face.  It becomes a grin.
Then he's laughing, trying to escape but she won't let him, and they collapse, laughing
together. Sarah gazes at his grin, a glimpse of the Reese that might have been, in another life.

Their grins fade. 
They gaze at each other, stretching a moment that can't last.
It's Sarah that pulls away.

Come on. Let's get moving.


shirtless, tying his shoes. Sarah is nearby, pulling on her top.
Reese freezes at the sound of DOGS BRAKING.

Reese is off the bed in an instant, crouched tense, eyes alert. Feral as ever.

Listen to the dogs.
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