Hope Of The Future
Deleted scenes

CRS - Miscelleanous
T3 deleted scene

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Scene description
More parts of Cyber Research Systems that were not in the movie:

The first pic is in the movie, and the marked spot shows the area in which the next 3 pics are shown.

The fifth pic is from Lenzkes Clamping Tools, another robot in one of the CRS labs.

The sixth pic is in the movie, and the marked spot shows the area in which the seventh, eighth and ninth pic, which are the same machine, are shown. This machine reappears in the Sgt. Candy deleted scene.

The tenth pic is a videoscreen, and the same one is shown in Sgt. Candy deleted scene, but not with this video fragment.

The eleventh and twelfth pic are Cyber Research Systems sets.

The last row are pieces of general Robert Brewster and his staff.

Jonathan Mostow tells about a scene (I don't know if it is filmed) on the audio commentary on the T3 DVD, just as general Robert Brewster is informed that about the damage of the virus while watching the flying Hunter-Killer drone:
"Originally I had anticipated having a sequence immediately prior to this shot here, where we go back to CRS, which is Cyber Research Systems, and we explain to the audience what this place really is. That this is sort of the birthplace of the robotic technology that will ultimately rise up to become the machines that take over the world in the future. As we got closer to photography, I realized, you know what, I don't think we really need that stuff. I think it would be cooler to just continue right on with the story, don't stop to explain anything, so have things like this flying Hunter-Killer be almost throwaway items in the background, and let the audience figure it out for themselves."

In the Mostow Interview, director Jonathan Mostow told the fans about this scene:
Chad "TheStorm" Campbell: "T3 Deleted Scenes Questions - WAY more explanation of Skynet how Cyberdyne's project survived."
Jonathan Mostow: "There were a few lines sprinkled throughout the movie that were cut, but we found that test audiences simply weren't bothered. Perhaps hard core fans cared, but ultimately, a film like this has to be edited for a massive worldwide audience. To them, extended conversations about the history of Skynet simply weren't interesting."

Reason cut




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